Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been awhile...

I know, I know. I haven't posted a blog in quite a few weeks. And lots of interesting ups and downs have occurred since the last time I posted. I have several blog entries that have been started and just haven't posted because they either haven't been finished or I have pics to upload and included with them. But rather than try and catch up before posting again, I'll just have to include them as they're completed and continue on blogging, just as life continues on.

My grandmother is in the hospital right now. I covet any prayers you can send up for her. She's in the ICU up in Pennsylvania at Holy Spirit Hospital. As of today, she's been there for two weeks. She's on a respirator and is basically needing a miracle right now to be able to go back home. Tomorrow the drs are doing a tracheotomy, which is a good thing for her at this point. I just hope that her body will be able to start getting stronger and stronger but the realistic side of me knows that she's got to be so tired and ready for it to be over.

I visited her last week; went up on Weds and left this past Monday. I had some awesome visits with her; told her I loved her, let her know that I know she loves me, told her about the goofy stuff the kids were up to, how much they love and miss her, etc. I hope to go back up there in the next weeks to see her and bring the kids, too. I know she'd love that.

There have been a lot of ups and downs in my marriage since the last time I posted, too. I'll post more on that later tonight but let me just say that if you haven't seen the movie Fireproof, go see it immediately. It's an awesome movie but even more so when you're married.

Can't wait to catch up on everyone else's blogs tonight as I'm getting mine up-to-date!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ashley Brooke, my 15 year old blessing

Today is her birthday. 15 years ago God blessed me with this perfect little girl. He has allowed me to watch her grow into a beautiful young lady who makes me proud each and every day. Happy Birthday, baby girl!

It's gone by so fast. *sigh* Gone are the days of Barbie wrapping paper, Chuck E. Cheese parties, and kitchen dish sets as presents. Gone are the days of renting a moonwalk for her and her friends and all of them being able to be in it without maxing the weight limit. Gone are the days of being able to plan the whole day FOR her instead of with her, except for the occasional input for things like plate designs and such. She's all grown up, a beautiful young lady, and while I couldn't be prouder, I can't be sadder, either.

It seems like just yesterday I was in high school, the Friday before Labor Day weekend, listening to my French teacher ask me about my due date. I was due on 9/9/93, which was the following Thursday. She laughed and said, "Wouldn't it be funny if you went in to labor on Labor Day?". I, being the naive teen, thought, "eh, I'm not due then so that won't happen". Ah ha ha ha. Ha. ha.

So, Monday morning around 1am I get up to get a drink, pull the fridge door and pop! I feel this weird feeling in my stomach. I kinda knew it was my water but seriously got nervous and rationalized that it was something else. Despite having to change my clothes every hour, I did not go to the hospital right away.

Later that morning, I put in a call to the dr to tell him of my ever-growing laundry pile and he told me, in his best fake-calm voice ever, to get to the hospital right then. So, we packed the bags in the car and headed to Ga Baptist Hospital (now Atlanta Medical Center).

I wasn't contracting on my own so they did put me on Pitocin and that was NOT my friend!!! I opted out of any drugs - no epidural, nothing - so I was feeling everything. But it was slow going and I really didn't start to progress until later that night. I had not eaten anything since Sunday at lunch (by now it was Monday around mid-afternoon) and I was s.t.a.r.v.i.n.g!!!! A few hours later, full on ice-chips, I sat in the bed alone waiting for Tommy to come back from the lobby. Imagine my shock and horror to see he'd walked in with a box of pizza from Pizza Hut! I must have looked at him with the most evil look ever because he backed up and said, "I"m sorry but you can't have any - the nurses said!". Grease drops never looked better to me. I think with a little salt, I could have made that box a meal. Anyway, he ate that pizza right in front of me and hasn't been able to live it down And never will.... ;)

Midnight came and went and I'd officially labored all day Labor Day. How could my French teacher have been so spot on with her prediction? LOL Now it was Tuesday morning and I was really hurting. The nurses were having a hard time locating my doctor; apparently he'd gone home and wasn't answering his phone. Great, huh? The nurses tried to keep me from doing any pushing but you know that's just something you have to do or you might explode! Eventually they wheeled me down the hallway, grabbed the first ObGyn they could find, and my precious little girl was born. 5:56am on 9/7/93. A perfect 7lbs, 5oz. TONS of dark hair. Perfect in every way possible. She was all mine.

Things change. Fifteen years ago I was preparing for discharge in a couple of days - now I'm preparing to take her to get her learner's permit. Fifteen years ago I was choosing which outfit to take her home in - now I'm choosing if I should extend her curfew.

And then sometimes things don't change. Fifteen years ago I was snuggling with her in my arms - and now I still do that. I love you Ashley...more than you'll ever, ever know. ((hugs))

Friday, September 5, 2008

He's finally here!

My very good friend, Beth, had her first baby, a precious little boy, today! He had decided he was NOT coming out on his own and so Beth went in to be induced on Weds night. Connor Nash D**** was born at 1:37pm on 9/4/08.

He is quite a handsome little guy - he looks so much like Blake looked when he was a newborn. With a raised eyebrow, I questioned Tommy on his whereabouts 9 months ago.... LOL

I got a couple of cute pics of Connor but didn't want to overdo it. He'd been circ'ed that morning and I didn't want to bother him too much. Isn't his complexion just flawless? A beautiful baby indeed!

Monday, September 1, 2008

September already?!?!

Wow, where in the world has this year gone?!? It seems like it was just yesterday and I was starting to plan for the kids' birthdays and now we're right upon them! Ashley's birthday, the big 15 is this Sunday. She'll be having her party on Saturday with her friend Will. His birthday is the 8th and he's turning 16 but they are good friends and wanted to share their big day together with all their friends. It made it easy on me, that's for sure!

Brooklyn's party will likely be towards the end of the month. Competition cheer starts on the 13th and will last each Saturday for several weeks. Hopefully everything will work out the day of her party since we're just having to schedule and cross fingers!!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

2008 Competition Cheerleaders!!

I took these pictures the other day when the girls had picture day. A local photographer is the one who did the team photos but I came to the field to get some of my own and to do Ashley's individual shots. Since they girls were looking at Trish, my photo doesn't have the girls looking straight on. But it's a good pic anyway...

Later, they did some stunting and some looked better than the others since they hadn't really warmed up much. This stunt is in their competition routine. The two flyers, Taylor and Ash, go from this:

to this:

Each of the girls put up their scorpions for the camera. Ashley wasn't really stretched out but she looked good. Definitely looks good being up in the air, on one leg while holding her other leg behind her with one hand. But cheer isn't a sport, right?!?!

Here's a closeup of Ashley in her pyramid; she's just so pretty!

Here are the individual shots I did of Ashley. I haven't decided yet which one I like the best but I've decided to get the toe-touch pic made into a button to wear to the games and competitions. Her jumps have really improved over the years and her toe-touch is awesome!!

Right when picture time was over and the girls were heading back, I snapped these shots of her and her friends. So carefree, lol...

The 3 Muskateers - Ashley, Ashley, and Mysti!

Friday, August 29, 2008

First Game of the Season!

Tonight was the first home game of the season. Last year (and every year before) it was only about Ashley cheering but this year is different - Brad is in the Marching Band and so we are very proud to enjoy the entire game in a couple of different ways!

Brad plays the trumpet and played all last year as a beginner. Since our town is pretty small the middle school students are allowed to try out for the high school Marching Band in 7th grade after a year or more of playing. He was so excited to have been chosen and worked really hard over the summer. He was a little nervous for the halftime show. Despite his nerves, though, he did great!

Ashley's squad is looking good so far - I'll admit to being the proud momma of the best tumbler on the team. :) She's a flyer, just like last year, and has really gotten her scorpian and basket toss looking good. I missed the basket at its peak but got some good shots of her stunts.

Except for the loss to the Rams, the game was a lot of fun. Brooklyn was enjoying herself up to a certain point and then she was ready to go. We decided that from now on, one of us takes her home after the halftime show, lol. I made a hairbow for her with the initials of the school "TC" on it and got a ton of compliments. I was pretty proud myself - I made it about 30 minutes before we left for the game.

Go T.C. Rebs! Have a great season!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update on Brooklyn

**not sure why the post below just showed up; I did that a few days ago, lol**

Brooklyn is back to her normal self. We went in on Monday and had another CBC done. Her WBC was down to 11,500; not as big a drop as the dr was hoping for but at least it was down. We'll go back on Friday to check it again. I've no doubt that she'll be back in the normal ranges - she hasn't run a fever since Sunday and she's eating and drinking normally again. Plus, her majesty's diva-ness is back in full swing which is ALWAYS a good sign things are back to normal. :)